At Hardwicke, we believe that the ability to write effectively is fundamental to our pupils' overall academic success and personal expression. Our teaching of writing is closely aligned with our school vision: Do everything in love, Together we Love, Learn & Live.
We aim to cultivate a love of writing by exposing pupils to various genres, styles, and contexts, thereby encouraging creativity and individuality in their written work. Our curriculum is designed to ensure all children learn key writing skills, including vocabulary expansion, grammar accuracy and cohesive structuring. We promote writing as a means of self-expression and reflection, helping pupils to articulate their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Writing becomes a medium through which our children can live and connect with the world around them.
Writing at Hardwicke is taught daily. We follow a sequenced & progressive writing curriculum, which aligns with the National Curriculum and integrates key areas of writing, including narrative, non-fiction and poetry. The curriculum is progressive and builds on prior knowledge and skills throughout the key stages.
In EYFS writing is initially taught through the ELS phonics scheme. Teaching focuses on initial letter formations, simple sentence structure and application of phonics knowledge to write words. Children are immersed in storytelling to help develop confident and fluent writers. Children learn familiar stories and texts and use what they learn to create their own writing. Children access additional writing opportunities during continuous provision.
In KS1 we build on these foundation skills, children are immersed and exposed to high-quality texts. Teaching focuses on writing confidently and securing an understanding of and applying basic punctuation, grammar and vocabulary.
In KS2 the focus is on deepening children’s understanding of spelling, punctuation and grammar and being able to write in a range of styles and genres.
Across the school, children will follow our Hardwicke Writing Journey. This approach incorporates elements of talk for writing and gives teachers the autonomy to adapt lessons.
Children are immersed in the text types which enables them to analyse the features and language needed for a particular text type. Children are taught key punctuation and grammar skills which supports their progress towards the end of Key Stage 2 expectations.
Innovation of texts is supported through live modelling from teachers and guided practice. Alongside adaptive teaching, these evidence-based strategies support children’s progress and attainment allowing them to apply the knowledge and skills they have learnt. Feedback is given to support future progress. Children take ownership of their learning through self and peer assessment.
Independent application allows children to apply what they have learnt in purposefully writing opportunities. Children bring together all of their learning and write their own version of the original model text for a range of authentic audiences.
Handwriting at Hardwicke
In EYFS a variety of fine and gross motor activities are built into the day to develop the muscle groups needed to write effectively. Children are taught the keys skills of good handwriting: correct pencil grip, posture and paper position. Children are taught how to write each initial letter sound as it is introduced within the ELS phonic programme. Letter formation is taught through mnemonics and rhymes. All children are encouraged to write for different purposes in both indoor and outdoor environments.
From Year 1 children learn using the Nelson Handwriting scheme. The scheme helps all children develop a confident, legible handwriting style and meet higher curriculum expectations. Lessons include pattern practice, motor skills and fun activities to bring handwriting to life. Handwriting is taught weekly and children spend additional time practising.
Spelling at Hardwicke:
In EYFS & Y1 children learn to spell through daily ELS phonics lessons. Additional support and time to practise is given to children to help further develop initial spelling strategies.
In Year 2 children are taught using ELS Essential Spelling. The scheme aids the important transition from phonics to spelling and builds on high-quality phonics teaching. Teaching closely follows the format and structure of the ELS phonics teaching programme and covers the requirements of the National Curriculum in Year 2. Spelling is taught 3 times a week.
In KS2 spelling is taught using Essential Spelling and Word Knowledge, teaching focuses on the morphology and etymology of words and provides full coverage of the National Curriculum requirements for spelling. Essential Spelling and Word Knowledge lessons build on the clear and consistent structure of the ELS phonics program. Spelling is taught 3 times a week.
The effectiveness of our writing curriculum is measured through various qualitative and quantitative indicators:
Quality of Writing: Pupil’s writing is regularly assessed against age-related expectations. Pupils’ writing demonstrates a wide range of styles, creativity and a clear application of skills. Feedback from internal and external moderation highlights the high standards of writing produced by pupils.
Pupil Outcomes: Data shows that the percentage of pupils achieving age-related expectations and greater depth in writing is consistently above national averages. The school's writing results seen in statutory assessments reflect the high standards we strive for.
Pupil Engagement: Observations and pupil voice surveys indicate a high level of enthusiasm and engagement in writing activities. Pupils love writing and are eager to participate and celebrate their successes.
Progress Over Time: Tracking and monitoring show that all groups, including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, make significant progress in writing from their starting points. Our inclusive approach ensures all learners have the opportunity to succeed.
At Hardwicke, our dedication to the intent, implementation, and impact of our writing curriculum ensures that we provide pupils with the skills and confidence necessary to excel as writers, preparing them for lifelong learning and expression.