
Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

A very warm welcome to Year 2! We are excited to be starting Summer Term 2 with our topic 'Superhumans'. 


In Year 2, our team is:

  •         Miss Stone 2S Class Teacher
  •         Mrs Begum 2B Class Teacher
  •         Mrs Lund Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bennett and Miss Hill will be teaching when Miss Stone and Mrs Begum have Planning, Preparation and Assessment time.


Summer Term 2's Topic - 'Superhumans'

Our topic in Summer 2 will be 'Superhumans'. This topic has a History focus where we will be exploring the lives of significant people throughout history including Mae Jemison and Neil Armstrong. Please have a look at our topic web above for more details about what we will be learning this term.


As usual your child will be bringing home new reading books once a week which will then be changed weekly. Your child must read at home at least five times a week to earn a reading point. Please record that you have done so in their yellow reading record to evidence this. Please can you make sure your reading books are brought into school every day so we are able to continue reading the same book with child, change them when needed and we add up their reading points towards the Bookworm Awards.


Spellings will be given on Mondays for the children to practice throughout the week, and then they will be tested on the Friday. Thank you so much for your continued support with helping your child complete their homework tasks. In addition to the set homework each week, we recommend practicing recalling number bonds up to 20 e.g. 3 + 17 = 20 and counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s.

PE this term

For Summer Term 2, PE will remain on Tuesdays and we will be outside. Bring your child to school in full P.E. kit on Tuesdays, appropriately dressed for the season (please check the forecast!). The children will wear their kit all day so no need for a change of clothes.

Items to bring in to school

Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school at all times. Please make sure all items are named (especially jumpers, hats/gloves etc) as it is much harder for unnamed items to be returned to their rightful owners. We always have a lot of unnamed and thus unclaimed jumpers, especially as the weather improves in the warmer months when children take off their jumpers in the playground. Please also ensure that toys and belongings from home are not brought into school as these cause upset to the children if they are lost or broken and can also disrupt their learning.

Fruit and Milk

Your child will be offered fresh fruit/veg every day at break/snack time. This is free of charge. Please ensure that if your child brings their own snack, it must be a healthy choice e.g. fruit and please remember that we are a nut free school. You also have the option to order a daily carton of milk for your child via the www.coolmilk.com website.


Thank you for your cooperation and support! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Best wishes, 

The Year 2 team - Miss Stone and Mrs Begum